Monday, October 24, 2011

whole30, day seventeen

I'm feeling better with each passing day. I like this, most definitely. I would love some ideas if anyone has them for converting other members of the household. Okay, maybe not converting but getting a little more cooperation. I know each of us makes our own decisions; I just don't like it.

In the area of things I can control, I'm still working on getting the hang of making menu plans. I'm sure it would be easier; I just don't know if it will ever be me. Yesterday, I grilled extra meats, including a rack of lamb from my sister. That's as close as I've gotten to meal plans, but at least I have a beautiful piece of meat ready and waiting for the opportunity to be dinner. My breakfast today came from yesterday's mixed grill, as well. I nibbled on chicken wings at my desk this morning. Not very professional, for sure, but it was at least before my students were scheduled to be there.

I cannot imagine an eating plan that could be easier or feel better than what I'm doing right now. Other than having to forgo stepping on the scale, I'm really not lacking in anything I want, even wine is becoming a complete non-issue. Love this.


  1. Pamela, I can SOOOO relate to this. I worked really hard to prepare for this weekend to have safe and delicious not only gluten free, but paleo meals and honestly I just felt like I was very unappreciated... we had a serious heart-to-heart the past few days and I am thankful he's usually willing to eat what I make... but no real want to change the way he eats and often not appreciative of what I do... *sigh* Proud of you for all you've done though! You are doing FANTASTIC! I've basically got two more months of working on this cookbook and then I can truly focus on being completely paleo!

  2. Thanks, Carrie. I'm pretty excited about it myself. Pretty sure you would like this 30 day challenge. We already know what it's like to skip most of the processed stuff and cook for ourselves. That must be a major challenge for those who must depend on eating out or buying ready to eat.

    Good luck on the taste-testing for the cookbook. If you decide to do the Whole30 afterward, I'll do it with you.

  3. I will hold you to that Pamela! I really want to do it once I finish up with this!! Isn't it crazy how quickly things can change in life? I've been jonesing for a cookbook for ages and now that I'm writing it I'm wishing it was on a different topic! LOL

  4. Life is seriously odd that way. I will be ready whenever you give the word. I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying this.


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